hooded-computer-hacker-stealing-information-with-laptop.pngFacebook is a key platform that helps you reach out to contacts with family and friends, and get information. According to Statcounter, Facebook is the most used app in Libya. However, the risk is always high when it comes to public interaction and sharing information online. Therefore, this article provides guidelines to help you maintain safety and control over your information while using Facebook.

Password: Password should be chosen under certain criteria. Your password should be easy to remember but hard for someone else to predict. You can find more security tips for creating passwords by clicking here.

Click here to learn how to change or reset your password on Facebook. After you change your password, make sure not to share it with anyone else for any reason!

Unrecognized login alerts: You can improve the security of your Facebook account by getting an alert when someone tries logging in from a device or web browser you do not recognize. Click here to learn how to enable alerts about unrecognized logins.

Two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security feature that allows protect your Facebook account in addition to your password. Click here to learn how to enable two-factor authentication.

You can visit the Facebook Help Center to keep your account secure.

It is important to limit who can contact you through Facebook, and friend people who you know and trust. You can control who can friend or follow you on Facebook. You will want to change that from Everyone to Friends of Friends. Learn more on how to change these settings by clicking here.

When you post anything on social media, you are putting something for public audiences. You need to consider whether your action can be harmful to yourself or your family. While you may think that your information is being shared with only your friends and family, it can be available to hackers and scammers who troll social media sites. Learn more here.

Messages you receive on Facebook and the content you see on others’ timelines are something you should pay attention to. Malicious actors are always looking for a way to trick their victims, such as getting you to like a ridiculous post or replying to a message containing fake news. Bad actors may also send malware links or phishing messages via Facebook. If a link looks suspicious, do not click on it, and remember that if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Useful resources:

Staying Safe on Facebook

Facebook Help Center

Facebook Safety Center

Stay Safe and Secure