If you are pregnant or you will soon welcome a new baby in your family, you can use this article to learn about:


  • Documentation required for delivery at the hospital.
  • Child registration to obtain a birth certificate.
  • Healthcare providers that accept non-Libyan patients.

Birth registration is the first legal acknowledgment of a child's existence. It provides proof of age, parental information, place and date of birth, and nationality. In Libya, there are legal requirements you need to provide to be able to carry out delivery and receive a childbirth declaration at a hospital.

Why do I need to obtain a birth proof document for my child?

Birth registration helps ensure children's rights to basic services as well as when they become adults:

These services include:

Health care, including access to vaccinations.

Access to education, and schools’ registration.

Access to justice as well as obtaining the necessary official documents, such as a passport, the national ID card and the citizenship certificate.

Be eligible to apply for private sector and governmental employment.


Who is eligible for birth declaration?

Birth declaration document: It is the proof issued when you give birth at a hospital, and it is important for issuing a birth certificate.

If you wish to deliver in a public or private hospital, you should have the following documentation to able to deliver at the hospital and then receive birth declaration form to issue the birth certificate:

  • Marriage registration certificate
  • Family status certificate or marriage contract
  • The ID of the parents of the newborn. If these documents expired, it would not pose a problem.


Please note that according to law n36 of 1968 on civil status in Libya, any childbirth out of marriage context is considered illegal. Thus, it is important to have proof of marriage to be able to deliver at a hospital.

Which hospitals provide care?

Werymma primary healthcare: Within the Werymma primary healthcare center's maternity department, it performs natural childbirth services for all Libyans and non-Libyans free of charge.

AlJalaa Public Hospital: AlJalaa Hospital provides natural and c-section delivery services for all Libyans and non-Libyans charged a fee of 1200 LYD for non-Libyans.

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