
Child vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent and eradicate diseases that can be life-threatening for children. In Libya, embracing and promoting child vaccination is crucial to safeguarding the health and well-being of the nation's youngest citizens.

Child vaccination is a vital public health intervention that saves millions of lives worldwide every year. Vaccines protect children from various diseases such as measles, polio, hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough, among others. These diseases can cause severe illness, and lifelong disabilities in worse cases they may lead to the loss of pure souls. Vaccinations protect individual children and contribute to the overall health and immunity of communities, reducing the risk of outbreaks. This article aims to explain the process of getting your child vaccinated.

The Libyan government, in collaboration with various international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, is actively working to strengthen child vaccination programs. Efforts are being made to rebuild the healthcare infrastructure, particularly in areas affected by conflict.

In Libya, it is mandatory to have a child vaccination booklet. Child vaccination booklets is used to keep track of a child's vaccinations and health records. These booklets typically contain important information such as the child's name, date of birth, and details of each vaccination received, including the type of vaccine, date administered, and the dosage.

Where to get vaccinations

For Libyan and non-Libyan, you only must visit any Primary Health Care facility. However, you need to check the vaccination schedule, which is usually available on the Facebook pages of these facilities, yet you can directly visit the facility during their working hours (Saturday- Thursday, 8:00 am – 1:00 PM) and ask for the schedule.

Every child should have a vaccination booklet. You can buy one at a low cost in any printing shop or ask the primary health care facility for a free booklet if they have it available. You can find the booklet attached at the end of the article. 

On the day of your child's vaccination, you should present with a vaccination booklet and have your child prepared for the vaccination. You should ensure that your child is feeling well. More guidance will be provided by the health staff at the facility once you receive the vaccination. 

Vaccinating your child is the most effective and safe way to protect children from contagious diseases and to protect the community.

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